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Posted by Joe Brown on June 21, 1998 at 09:38:50:
First of all thank you all for the advice. The plugs are all clean. I'm running Champ. D15Y's, this is what the IH dealer gave me. Should I have D21's?? The plug wires all have steel cores. I,ve checked the manifold and gaskets for leaks, all ok as far as I can tell. New carb Zenith, can only change the mixture at idle. I tried Farmers advice. With the engine running "and missing" I put a paper clip at the boot where the plug wire attaches to the plug. #1 throws a 1/2" spark as I move the paper clip away from the top of the plug and there is no change in the engine. Same with #2. When I get to #3 AND #4, as soon as I move the clip away and get the 1/2" jump on the air gap the engine smooths right out. As I move the clip in towords the plug it appears the spark gets MUCH weaker and the engine runs rough again. I really don't think its a mixture problem. For some reason if I don't make the spark jump and air gap on either #3 or #4 it appears that my at leasety to #3 #4 cylinders gets weak. This is a tough one! PS: Don't worry about the resistor, I never listen to my neighbor anyway!!!
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