Re: F12 Fuel sys.
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Posted by Dan Bender on June 24, 1998 at 13:17:50:
In Reply to: F12 Fuel sys. posted by Shane Eidsness on June 23, 1998 at 16:07:31:
: I have a 1935 F12. It appears to have some sort of fuel regulator on it. There is a grease fitting in the front of it. Can someone explain what this does and how to operate it. Thank you to everyone who has been helping me with this project. I have 1936 F12. Rather than a "grease fitting" it has a grease "cap". The cap is taken off and filled with grease, then replaced as the grease is used the cap is further tightened pushing more grease into the fuel pump mechanism. I'm not sure this helps but at least something to chew on.
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