Re: Pulling sleeves from an A-C WD tractor
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Posted by Jerry on June 30, 1998 at 22:20:16:
In Reply to: Pulling sleeves from an A-C WD tractor posted by a-c on June 24, 1998 at 17:21:42:
: I am restoring an 1953 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor. : I have found that one of the sleeves needs to be : replaced and I need help on how to pull the sleeve. : Also, how much would one of these sleeves cost on : the average??? Thanks for any information! You need nothing fancy to pull sleeves with. the important part is to get the puller block that grips the edge of the sleeve at the bottom and will miss the inside of the block as it pulls. I used two large pieces of angle iron about 12 inches long set on thier ends, a piece of 3/4 all-thread and a flat plate with a hole drilled through it with nuts and washers as a puller and bearing surfaces. just be sure to lube the all-thread good as you pull the sleeve. Warm the block in the sleeve hole with a heat gun for several minutes or even a small propane torch or heat lamp prior to sleeve insertion. Placing the sleeve in a freezer for an hour or so helps tremendously and is considered necassary in some instances. The first set i installed i had no freezer but it was winter time and there was snow piled deeply against the door, so i left the sleeves in the wax paper and stuck them in the snow bank when i got there that morning and they were ready when i was. If you have no luck in locating a sleeve let me know and i can check in Madisonville, Kentucky where the company makes most of the sleeves used in this region of the country. e-mail me with ID size, OD size, and length. if it has a lip at the top i will need the dimensions for that as well. You should have no trouble in obtaining one sleevelocally, but i would hate to have to buy a set just to get one. The Madisonville company sells them one at a time. Let me know if i can be of service.
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