Re: Re: Re: farmall problem.....
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Posted by Dick DeYoung on July 03, 1998 at 10:11:38:
In Reply to: Re: Re: farmall problem..... posted by Kevin H. on July 02, 1998 at 19:22:37:
: : : I rebuilt my engine on my model-b, and when I put water in the radiator it started leaking between the block and the head.I used a new head gasket,I'm not sure if the o-rings on the sleaves are leaking or the sleaves are leaking at the top of the block. I need helllllp!!!!!!!!! : : I rebuilt a Farmall B a few years ago and had the same problem. It turned out that one of the sleeves was not seated properly. It does not take much to develop a leak. Also, once I cured the big leak, the head gasket weeped the first couple of times until the engine got up to temperature. After that it quit. : : Just curious, where is it leaking? Plug side? How much is leaking? : I have just finished rebuilding an F-12 that is also 'weeping' on the plug side. How do you determine if it is a sleeve leaking and if it is, how can you stop it? : Thanks, Kevin Kevin, I don't know of a simple sure-fire way to isolate a head leak from the outside. If it is a very minor sleeve leak, there is usually enough stuff floating around in most of these systems to eventually plug it up. If not, you may want to try some antifreeze doped with a stop leak formula. got to be careful with this stuff because it can foul radiators if you get too much in it. Another way that sometimes will isolate a head gasket problem is to see if there is a pattern to the leaking. Does it leak more cold than it does hot? Does it leak more at a high engine load (not engine speed). Leaks that vary in amount with temperature and load more often than not are causes by a bad head gasket or a poor torque pattern on the head bolts. Just so you know, my 'B' will still weep from time-to-time, it's just not bad enough to warrant fixing it. Good Luck....e-mail me if you figure out where it's coming from. []
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