Re: Tractor Frame Design
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Posted by MISNOMER on July 03, 1998 at 17:12:34:
In Reply to: Tractor Frame Design posted by J.H. Guth on July 02, 1998 at 18:59:56:
mr. J H Guth It seams readily apparent that a person will be looked down upon if he has anything to do with lawyers or a legal case and it seems to be an immediate reaction, with little reguard to your personal needs or aspirations. I want you to know I am personally not a lawyer nor do I have any dreams of a large out of court setlement,or in fact of any financial renumeration. So therefore I feel it is my duty as just an averager citizen and a compasionate human being , to point out to you that this is a DAMN TRACTORT FORUM NOT AN WWW LINK WITH JOHN GRISSOM AND YOU'LL NOT FIND ANY FOOTNOTES FOR THE FIRM NOR A PELICAN BRIEF...
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