Ferguson 30 - No spark
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Posted by Pat on July 09, 1998 at 05:42:15:
I have a Harry Ferguson 30 that has been converted to 12v. The problem is after the conversion there is no spark. It has a new 12v AC alternator, new 12v coil with the recommended resistor, new points, plugs, plug wires (carbon filled), condensor and distributor cap. The voltage regulator has been eliminated from the system since I'm told the alternator has one in it. I need to know the wiring schematic including the alternator, battery, ignition switch,ammeter, coil and distributor. Also do I need a 12v. condensor to make the thing work? the tractor has been down for more than a month and the "mechanic" who was supposed to pick it up and take it in still hasn't shown up. I"d appreciate any help I can get. Thanks in advance!
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