Re: Re: Re: tractor for haying
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Posted by Nellie on July 09, 1998 at 17:27:08:
In Reply to: Re: Re: tractor for haying posted by Ludwig on July 07, 1998 at 15:27:15:
: Ludwig, simmer down. I think that is what I wrote. My gas 50 hp tractor takes alot more fuel than my diesel 50 Hp. We do agree on this subject, really- we do. Alot more fuel? That's odd, every diesel I've ever worked got much MUCH better fuel hourage than an equivalent gas machine. Tractor, truck or what have you. : : :Steve, I would say you need more power than a 2000. I'm sure people are going to say they do it with about 30HP. I run all day with a Ford 4000, its got 50HP. The Haybind and the hay type will make you wish you had more HP. I run a NH 479 with 9 ft cut on mixed grass. My Temp. gage nears the hot zone at times on hills and thick grass. It runs cool baling and pulling a wagon. I never tried a kicker, but again kickers are heavier and take more PTO HP. : : As for the tactor price, they seem in the ball park. : : Oh yeah I almost forgot, if you go for more HP go Diesel. I have used my AC d-17 for haying, its a gaser at 50HP. It takes a lot more fuel to do haying with a gas tractor,(similar HP) alot more.
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