Re: VAC Case oil pressure
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Posted by Greg Easley on July 13, 1998 at 21:31:30:
In Reply to: VAC Case oil pressure posted by Marty James on July 11, 1998 at 14:09:37:
: My VAC has only 10-12 lbs. oil pressure warm and : 8-10 lbs. cold. Before I restore it should I : replace the bearings? It does not have a noticeable : knock. Also, how do you use a category 1 finish : mower on an eagel hitch? If memory serves me correctly, the VAC owner's manual states that the oil pump is factory set to 13 psi. I've got two of them, both well-worn, and they run about 12 psi when cold, and drop to around 10 psi when warm. I'd say you're probably OK the way it is.
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