Re: Re: farmall c
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Posted by Clint Hofstetter on July 14, 1998 at 12:52:59:
In Reply to: Re: farmall c posted by Stan(VA). on July 13, 1998 at 05:31:41:
: The C was built '48 - '51, the Super C from '51 - '54. The C had just under 20hp, the Super @24hp. I don't think either would be a good match (this isn't 'C' bashing, I own one and wouldn't sell it; but you want the right tool for the job.) I would recommend a Super H or Super M with live hydraulics. : Stan(VA). I agree with Stan. I also own a '53 Super C that I have used for alot but it would be very slow and alot of yanking out of gear to keep the haybine from plugging or to keep the tractor from stalling on the baler, unless you rake very small windrows. I have baled with a NH Super 66 baler and the loading on the wagon can get interesting. It can be done with some patience but don't do it unless you have no other options. : : i need some information on the 1952 c-model, what i need to know is how much horsepower does it have, did they have live pto's, do they have enough power to operate a NH479 haybine and a JD 336 bailer with a kicker. this is new ground to me and i want to make sure i buy enough machine. any help is appreciated. thank you, steve
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