Re: Tractor value
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Posted by Nellie on July 18, 1998 at 04:17:06:
In Reply to: Tractor value posted by John on July 17, 1998 at 21:40:35:
1. the TO35 in Fair condition: $1700 -2000. They were sold from 1954-1956.there was a Std. and the Deluxe. The deluxe had a perkins engine with 37 HP. the Std. had a Continental engine with 33 HP. The Deluxe brings a $100 or so more money. In good condition a deluxe is up to $2400. 2. The Fordson in good condition $2400 if around 1957 and is about 48 HP-- take a look around - compare other 50 HP diesels around and Fordson sells cheap: Why? parts avialablity is in question. I own a late model Fordson super major and my friend owns a 1950's vintage. We have been able to get parts from our Ford Dealer or salvage yard. You guessed it, we are a couple of cheap guys. You can run all day on a couple of gallons of Desiel with these Majors . Oh yeah, I would like to sell mine for $4500 too but it will never happen. Two tractors I'v seen recently for sale: : 1.) Ferguson T-35 in pretty god shape externally, hydraulics seem a little weak, owner is an old farmer wanting to retire, and has some equipment to go with it. Tractor is normally stored ina barn. : 2.) Fordson Major Diesel. I am not sure of the year (late 50's?) being stored outside, owner has a recycling place and says he got it in trade (?) wants 4500 for it (I hae a feelng this is WAY too much, should be more like ~3000. I don't know very much about the fordson, I get the feeling it is kinda like the old N series in that it is easier to work on than most other comparable tractors o fte same vintage. Any thoughts?
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