Re: What's the difference
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Posted by mark on July 22, 1998 at 16:24:49:
In Reply to: What's the difference posted by erry Coleman on July 22, 1998 at 08:46:39:
: Can someone tell me the difference between a Ford 601 workmaster and a Ford NAA. I have a manual for a naa but my tractor has a 601 decal on the side of the hood. Then again the serial # begins with 641 as the model. I"m so confused!!!!!!! There's some difference in the rear axle, and the 641 has a piston-tyoe hydraulic pump, while the NAA has a vane-pump. Your 641 has probably has more in common with the 2000 than the NAA, and is at least four years newer than the NAA. I'm not claiming this list is complete, just what I know about. -mark
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