When I purchased this home, the folks that we purchased it from told us that they owned the tank, the tank came with the house, the tank was ours. Their supplier was Amerigas. Back then the cost of Amerigas was higher than other suppliers, so we shopped around and told two other suppliers that we owned our own tank. Both said that they would NOT use our tank. They said that they would not fill our tank and then assume responsibilities for things that could go wrong like leaks, defective regulators, and so on. We went with one of them, a company called Franger in northern Indiana, because their prices were the lowest at the time, and we got locked in contractually at a certain lower price, and they delivered their own tank. In the meantime, we were notified by Amerigas that they were going to pickup thier tank that was about half full, so since the two tanks were setting pretty much next to each other, I shut off the franger tank, unhooked it, hooked the line back up to the Amerigas tank, and did what I could to use as much of that gas up before they came to pickup the tank that I could find no documentation on, saying that it was mine. In the house sales/purchase, I couldn't find anything saying that I owned the tank, no reciepts from the home sellers. I couldn't prove that it was my tank, so Amerigas came, unhooked it in time, took it away, I hooked back up to the Franger tank. But anyway, two suppliers told me that they would NOT fill a privately owned tank, at least residential, so... Oddly enough though, there is a regulator on the tank that Franger owns, but up at my house is a separate diaphram, or whatever they call it, that I own that they didn't change out. They have been known to go bad too.
I have looked at other tanks, 100 gallon, 500 gallon for the concrete floored barn that I do most maintenance in, and thought of paying someone other than the two that said they would NOT fill them, and bite the bullet on the cost and get them filled, which wouldn't be often, for heat in the cooler months, like this past winter that actually was winter for a change.
I'd like to own my own tank too, but can be a sticking point with some suppliers.
Related but unrelated, you're a gas guy, or were. I ran into an old, near retirement natural gas company guy that told me, "...back in my day, we made it work. Was none of this having the wrong parts, we made it work...". The fella used to do new construction back in the day in Chicago, and probably near by areas. So, these days new houses go up, everyone gets their own meters, regulators, diaphrams, pipe from the main. But back in the day, there were and still exist entire city blocks that have ONE regulator shared by the entire city block, buried in a vault near some intersection, that was plumbed off to everyone's meters. You get the idea. And every couple or few years, some story makes the national news where some entire city block is leveled by a gas explosion, which is traced back to at least the shared regulator that used to be buried under an instersection that is now a big crater in the gournd with firemen and gas company inspectors standing around shaking their heads. Whay comes to mind, is that old fella telling me, "...if we ran out of the right sized main, we'd reduce it down an inch from maybe a 4" to a 3" (whatever they used), run the pressure up higher than normal, and make it work. There was none of this stuff about waiting for parts to come out the next day, we were there, started the job, finsihed the job and moved on". In the overall sceme of things, I have to wonder how much of that went on. How many of those exist in say, NY, LA, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and other large cities jus waiting to go off like time bombs and make the national news. Eveytime I hear or read about some old construction city block being leveled in a gas explosion, what comes to mind...common regulator, ran out of the correct sized pipe, made it work be extending the next size smaller pipe available, and ran the pressure up to compensate for the smaller pipe, and overtime as things degrade, KABOOM, a mushroom cloud from two blocks over, raining wood splinters and debris from what once were houses.
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Today's Featured Article - Third Brush Generators - by Chris Pratt. While I love straightening sheet metal, cleaning, and painting old tractors, I use every excuse to avoid working on the on the electrics. I find the whole process sheer mystery. I have picked up and attempted to read every auto and farm electrics book with no improvement in the situation. They all seem to start with a chapter entitled "Theory of Electricity". After a few paragraphs I usually close the book and go back to banging out dents. A good friend and I were recently discussing our tractor electrical systems when he stated "I figure it all comes back to applying Ohms Law". At this point
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