Here are the problems with yesterday's and today's teachers. Back in the day, if a kid didnt get good grades, it was the KID's fault. Now, if little perfect Jimmy is failing a class, it's the TEACHER'S fault.
There are plenty of excellent teachers out there that put in several hours a day of work/grading/planning on their own time, at home, after they help their own kids with their homework and get them into bed. I know, because I am married to one of those excellent teachers.
It would be interesting to compare the decline of the education system with the divorce rate. Maybe the decline of the typical idea of the American family has as much or more to do with test scores. Teachers aren't babysitters or parents, but too often this is what we expect from them. The other countries that are doing better than us do not include their entire student population in their statistics. If they did, their results would be much worse.
For companies complaining about a lack of a qualified employees, I would encourage them to invest, both time AND talent, in the local Vocational School. How cool would it be to see the best machinist or mechanic from XYZ company teach a class on his profession? Very cool. But, XYZ Company has to be willing to give him some paid time off to teach that class, with the thought that they are investing in their own company's future. It's hard to sell that to their stock holders, I'm sure.
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Today's Featured Article - Third Brush Generators - by Chris Pratt. While I love straightening sheet metal, cleaning, and painting old tractors, I use every excuse to avoid working on the on the electrics. I find the whole process sheer mystery. I have picked up and attempted to read every auto and farm electrics book with no improvement in the situation. They all seem to start with a chapter entitled "Theory of Electricity". After a few paragraphs I usually close the book and go back to banging out dents. A good friend and I were recently discussing our tractor electrical systems when he stated "I figure it all comes back to applying Ohms Law". At this point
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