Re: Cracked and peeling steering wheel
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Posted by Tractor Boy on July 26, 1998 at 18:41:36:
In Reply to: Cracked and peeling steering wheel posted by Brian on July 16, 1998 at 13:01:30:
Okay,you have 2 choices: You can either spend some $$$(about $75.00) that can be used for other things like buying more tractor parts OR you can fill in those cracks with JB Weld like I did. It worked out pretty good. JB Weld can be found at almost any auto parts place and is not expensive. It is a 2 part epoxy and once it is dry it is strong as steel.(one of the tubes is labeled "Steel" and the other "Hardener") Mix up a bunch on a coffee can lid or similar surface (popsicle sticks work great to use as a mixing stick) Then you merely put the Weld in the crack and let it dry. You may need to let it dry and then put on another coat because the epoxy sinks into the cracks. Anyhow,Good Luck!!!
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