Re: Middle Buster
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Posted by JR2 on July 27, 1998 at 12:40:17:
In Reply to: Middle Buster posted by John Healey on July 24, 1998 at 17:19:42:
: Would someone please explain what the purpose of the middlebuster is . Thanks, John John, you've read correctly what these are in the posts. However, the "buster" part may well come from the fact they can be run down the middle of an existing row and "bust" it out, making the row into the middle, and throwing the row over where the middle was, thus "middlebusting." The implement that replaced middlebusters to a large degree, the hipper or whatever you want to call it, is not nearly so adept at doing that job of busting out an old row. On some of the older and smaller tractors that could pull only two middlebusters, they were sometimes mounted in front of each rear wheel. The first pass was made in the field, then on the return the front wheel of the tractor (assuming a narrow front end) was run back down one of the furrows just made thus completing the first little set of rows. After one round this way you had three complete rows and a half thrown up on the outside. The practice and method is not nearly so popular now since 8, 10 even 12 row or better hippers took over. Lord, the things these new big tractors will pull! Have a good day, John
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