Re: TD6 international
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Posted by Gary Ciraulo on July 27, 1998 at 23:04:40:
In Reply to: TD6 international posted by siwel on July 27, 1998 at 16:54:43:
: I am looking at a TD6 INTERNATIONAL diesel bull dozer to purchase. Runs good but uses some oil.Can I get parts if so where? I do not know the year or serial number. Scroll down to the 22nd and look for my question"TD-6 What year is it?", if you could find out the serial number GEO left some good help in his replies. If you live out in California there is a place we get our tractor parts from in Salinas, we have a TD-6 1940, they always seem to come through for parts although don't expect overnight delivery(several weeks for steering clutch)Hope this helps! Gary
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