Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Convert to 12V and NOT change your headlights
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Posted by Jeff King on August 01, 1998 at 16:33:07:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Convert to 12V and NOT change your headlights posted by John Strauss on July 31, 1998 at 14:55:18:
: : : : : : : : If you want to cut some costs when you convert your 6V tractor to 12V, you can keep the 6V headlights by wiring them in series. 6V + 6V = 12V. The only drawback is if one headlight burns out they both go out. But it will save you the cost of two new headlights and the heartache of trashing 2 perfecly good headlights. : : : : Be careful, in a series setup, the wiring will have to handle twice the current it was designed for. Chances are the good old boys that built tractors in the 6 volt days just used large wires rather than calculate the exact gauge necessary for the headlight and nothing more like in todays cars. If you try this proceedure, keep track of the temperature of the light circuit wires by touch every so often. Let's see, two new 12v bulbs at $4.99 each vs. burnt wiring and maybe even a scortched paint job. Could be a toss up if you are good with a paint gun. Seriously, this technique will work but since you have to rewire, replace all of it back to the light switch and the battery. : : : : Dave : : : Dave, I believe you are thinking of a parallel circuit. in the series example , the voltage is doubled to 12v but so is the resistance, the filaments, so the current remains the same. John, go ahead and save a few bucks I'm with you!!! : : Lets see if I have this right I rewire the headlights, : : I lose both headlights when one burns out and I get to : : guess which light burned out and knowing my dealings : : with MURPHY I always check the good light first so now : : I have removed both headlights to fix one and it burned : : out on a moonless night while I'm roading it back home. : : Now I'm tried of the whole thing and rewire the headlights : : for 12 volt and buy the new lights. : : Nope, I don't get it. If you're converting to 12 volts : : go ahead and convert and give the 6 volt lights to some : : one who isn't converting. : : Lee :-) : I didn't say you SHOULD do this, just that you could if you are cheap like me and or live way out in the country like me and don't want to drive into town to get those new lights but you really wanna drive it TONITE, this is an OPTION. :-) Remember the old christmas tree lights what were wired in series? When one burnt out, the whole string went. Your solution is no different. Is workable, but might be less than desirable to some. So take heart, your solution is workable, if not conveinent to some. jpk
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