Re: Re: 9N Stalling Problem
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Posted by Gary on August 01, 1998 at 19:45:08:
In Reply to: Re: 9N Stalling Problem posted by Dale on July 27, 1998 at 18:09:00:
Believe it or not, I had a friend tell me that running a cloths pin on the fuel line on his 9N helped with the problem! Maybe it helps disapate heat... : : : I'm looking for help in identifying the source of : : a stalling problem with a Ford 9N. The problem : : occurs under heavy load, ie. brush-hogging. : : I've removed and cleaned the carburator, : : drained and flushed the gas tank, cleaned all : : screens, replaced the points, plugs, rotor, : : distributor cap, and coil. All to no avail. : : After about 30 minutes to 1 hour of hard running : : the tractor stalls and will not restart. : : If left overnight, it starts and runs fine : : only to repeat the problem again. Any ideas? : The problem you are decribing is a vapor lock. I have been battling this for years with an 8N. It only happens in warmer weather and under prolonged load. Belive it or not if after running for a while you open the access door to the hood you can feel the heat escaping! That helps a little...Setting the carb.. to the rich side helps a little....And if all else fails, crack the fuel line open at the carb and let fuel trickle for a few seconds. Be careful of hot exhaust pipe!!!! Beyond that I haven`t found a permanent cure for this problem. Would love to hear it if anyone knows!
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