John Deere 300 series
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Posted by Sam on August 02, 1998 at 19:00:44:
I bought a JD 325 back in August, and I found it to be a piece of junk the only thing that it is good for is mowing, and nothing else. I was told when I bought it that I could get a aftermarket loader so a few months after buying the mower I went to buy the loader. I found out that they stopped making the loader because the frame is too weak. The JD 325 is junk in other ways too, belt driven trans. no hydraulic outlets in front. This 325 is nothing compared to the old 300 series, so I found some one who would trade their 316 for my 325. Their 316 had a tiller, front blade, and a powerflow. Even though the 316 is worth less in the book, it is still a much better tractor
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