Re: JD 520 missing when it gets warmed up
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Posted by Dave Wickman Iowa on August 03, 1998 at 07:29:10:
In Reply to: JD 520 missing when it gets warmed up posted by Tom on August 03, 1998 at 06:13:27:
: The last 2 times I have been bushhogging the tractor starts to miss after it gets good and warmed up (~30 minutes on a day thats 80 degrees F). It will be running fine then it will miss a few beats and make a loud pop when it does fire.At this time I limp it back to the garage, It will miss a few times even when the bushhog is not running. The fuel bulb is full and clean when it happens. The coil is the only old part in the ignition system. I pulled the plugs the look good. Is the coil a good place to start? Is it necessary to get a JD coil or would any coil made for a points and condensor 12v system work? : Thanks for the help : Tom Wyble in western NY : Tom, Look up the information in Tractor Cafe titled J.D.50 6-volt Coil Getting Hot, All the innformatoin in these return articals also applies to your tractor and it is stuff you should know. Your 520 should have a 6-volt coil on it with a resistor block ahead of it. If you do dicide to replace the coil get the right one for it from a John Deere dealer. Don't and I repeat don't let someone give you a coil they think is right,(including a John Deere Parts Man) because they will give you the wrong one every time! Make them look it up in the parts book and get it by the correct part number. I rather dought there is anything wrong with your coil if its got the right one on it, (6-volt). Your problem is most likly the condensr that you probably have just replaced! What I have found is the condenser your John Deere parts counter supplied you with is a subsituted condenser that is used on 3020's and 4020's, these condensers will seem fine untill they start getting warm and then they loose it. Get your parts man to look in the parts book, In the Condenser parts description there is the original Delco parts number in the part description take this number to a Delco parts distributor and get its replacement. Trust me you will never tune another Two cylinder without this condenser. The tractor will run right and stay running right. I use these condensers on 3020's and 4020's as well. They are a little higher price but the right fix. I think the Delco Part number is D203. Check your tractor for the correct coil and resistor and if you find them right try this simple fix, I am sure you will get your problem solved.
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