Re: gibson tractor
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Posted by FARMBOY on August 14, 1998 at 10:44:36:
In Reply to: gibson tractor posted by Sue on August 11, 1998 at 17:46:55:
: Can anyone give me any information on a 1927 gibson tractor. Where they were manufactured, restored value, how many may still remain in existence.... :: It has been five years since I owned one and was in the Gibson tractor club.I am from Northern Utah and they are fairly plentiful for a Gibson. I do not know if this club is still in existance: GIBSON TRACTOR CLUB, Dave Baas, Presisdent and founder. 4200 Winwood CT. Floyd Knobs, IN 47119. I used to have some information, but after two moves I can not find it. From what I remember, Wisconson engines predominently, lever and wheel steering and I believe they were built in Colorado somewhere. Hope this is acurate and Dave is still around. GOOD LUCK
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