Re: sickle bar vs. rotary mowers
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Posted by Paul Fox on August 15, 1998 at 16:31:10:
In Reply to: sickle bar vs. rotary mowers posted by Don Graham on August 15, 1998 at 10:16:36:
: I need a mower for my JD model B, and was wondering which type of mower to get. It seems like you can get a larger sickle bar than rotary for the same HP tractor, but I think the rotary maintainance would be less. I won't be bailing the grass, but might in the future (2 acre pasture). : Any opinions about sickle bar vs. rotary? Well, Don, you kinda hit on the main point...sicklebar mowers do a neater job on grass/hay. They are not as versatile as a rotary mower or bush hog, won't cut woody stuff of any size, are more delicate and require a lot more maintenance. The rotary is a low maintenance item, cheaper to purchase, useful for a wider range of cutting situations, and in my limited experience, not worth a damn for cutting hay, except maybe with a brand new set of blades, and then it still chops more than it cuts. So, here's the bottom line, in my view: If you're only gonna have one mower, and you need to cut anything other than a well maintained hayfield, go with a rotary. If you're planning to get into haying in a fairly big way later, you can always either get a sicklebar, or have someone cut it for you. Just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions, don't you? ;-)
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