Re: Air or trash in diesel fuel system on IH574
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Posted by K.Ray on August 16, 1998 at 10:58:27:
In Reply to: Air or trash in diesel fuel system on IH574 posted by Steve on August 16, 1998 at 07:14:41:
: I just bought this tractor 2 weeks ago and I have : this fuel problem I cannot figure out.The tractor : has not been run very much in the last 2 years : but right before that time the injector pump and : the 4 injectors were rebuilt.The motor was re built at that time also.I drained the old fuel out of the tank and changed the 2 fuel filters : and the tractor started and ran fine for about 2 hours.Then while bushoging it began to run like you were operateing the throttle back and forth real fast and would not steady out untill I throttled it down some.I noticed before and after : this the maxium rpm's would vary.I hope this is a hint to problem when I installed new filter elements and bleed the system by unscrewing : the bleeder screw on the secondary filter : these 2 filters are side by side and have glass : bowls on bottom the primary filter filled up fine glass bowl first like its supposed to but the fuel ran out of the bleeder screw on the secondary filter before fuel was seen in the glass bowl on the sconday filter.I had to open the bottom on the glass bowl to fill it up. : the tractor is currently running good but real hard to start?PLEASE HELP!!! Hello Steve, Don't overlook the obvious, It does sound like a fuel starvation problem. I would look at the filters again and make sure that they are bled properly. The second is look at you filters again. I have heard of a similar problem where a man cleaned you his fuel tank and the fuel that he was buying was contaminated with debri. you might want look at that and buy fresh diesel from a place that has a filter on the hose. You might have to replace your filters again. Good luck! K.Ray
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