Re: Re: Re: Ford 5000 generator warning light and weak battery
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Posted by Glenn Simpson on August 18, 1998 at 19:11:00:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Ford 5000 generator warning light and weak battery posted by T.Davis on August 18, 1998 at 17:58:50:
: : : I'm having trouble with the generator warning light staying on. Also the engine turns over very slowly when cranked. The battery is good and the generator has been checked out and is good . I even tried a new regulator on it and that didn't work. The battery is definitely not charging properly. : : : Any suggestions. : : : Thanks, : : : T.Davis : : Check all of your wiring connections, our Ford 4000 had a similiar problem, and after hours and hours of checking the battery, regulator, generator, warning light and ignition system, we came across a single solitary wire that was ripped lose while travelling thru trees. Seems it was one of the wires that the previous owner jolly-rigged with electric tape. Dug G. : Thanks Dug, : I've checked the wiring and found nothing wrong but will check again this time a little more thorough. Will let you know the outcome in the future. Thanks again, T. Does the engine crank slowly with a freshly charged battery? If so suspect cables and connections or the starter itself. Start checking out earths. Some regulators were rubber mounted and had to have a wire from the regulator frame to the chassis bolts for example. Read back on some earlier generator problem posts, start at the gen and disconnect the small wire, link the terminal it came off to the bigger wire and measure the battery voltage when running. (This puts the gen into max output mode).If the generator is indeed working and the cable to the battery connected correctly you should get quite an increase in volts at a high idle. Once you have ruled out that side of things then start tracking the wiring back to the regulator. Suspect any joint or fuse holder, as they can go high resistance and stop or restrict the current flow. Best of Luck Glenn
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