Re: sickle bar vs. rotary mowers
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Posted by Steve Luhr on August 19, 1998 at 18:49:37:
In Reply to: sickle bar vs. rotary mowers posted by Don Graham on August 15, 1998 at 10:16:36:
: I need a mower for my JD model B, and was wondering which type of mower to get. It seems like you can get a larger sickle bar than rotary for the same HP tractor, but I think the rotary maintainance would be less. I won't be bailing the grass, but might in the future (2 acre pasture). : Any opinions about sickle bar vs. rotary? I agree with Paul 100%. I have a ford 501 sicklebar and I have been mowing a fairly rugged area (5 acres)and seems like all I do is make repairs to the guards, or bar, or something. But boy does it cut and lay down hay nicely in the smoother fields, though. Go with the Bush hog or equivelent.
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