Re: Using a box blade
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Posted by Milan Radakovic on August 21, 1998 at 18:29:10:
In Reply to: Using a box blade posted by Jim Van Winkle on August 21, 1998 at 15:22:05:
: I purchased a used box blade this evening and tried putting it to use grading our gravel drive. : All I can seem to do is to load up the box with gravel until it becomes overfull and the 9N's tires start spinning. : I have the scarifiers down a little bit -- should I bring them up so they don't stir up the gravel in front of the blades? : I guess the basic question is this: How do I use the box blade? A box blade is primarily used for landscaping, the teeth are used to bust up sod or clumpy dirt, then the box is inverted or teeth pulled up, and used to smooth out the material. I would do one or two things, either continue to do it the way you have it, and stop at the spin-out, and pull the pile back the way you came and keep the box an inch or so above grade until the box empties, then go back to where you left off from the spin-out. Or, feather the box up and down the whole length of the driveway, working up as much as you can without spinning-out, then invert the box, or pull teeth up and go back opposite way and smooth it all out. Hope this helps.
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