Re: Beware of load handler hazard
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Posted by Paul Fox on August 25, 1998 at 14:04:08:
In Reply to: Beware of load handler hazard posted by Harry on August 25, 1998 at 04:59:59:
: Posted by Harry on Monday, 24 August 1998, at 11:08 p.m. : Today I decided to try out our new manure management program. We decided it is time to stop composting or at least to get : something for our composting. I take about 500 pounds of manure out of our barn daily and have been composting it for the : past five years on a monument we call Mt. Manure. Well there is this place here in the county called Good Earth, a place : where they compost all kinds of stuff and then sell it to nurserys. They have a rather large sawmill operation as well. They : have a program where they trade a load of manure for a load of sawdust. It is good bedding, oak and other hardwood, and : the price seemed to be right. I have been paying $40 to $50 per month for sawdust bedding and thought I would like to kill : two birds with one stone, get rid of manure and get bedding at that cost. : Well here it comes, I bought a Load Handler, (as seen on TV) and loaded up three days of manure in the bed of the old : Chevy truck. I then drove the 30 minutes to Good Earth to unload and swap for some bedding. I got there and they told me the : loader was going to be down for twenty minutes, could I wait. Yes I said I'll wait. I drove to the drop off point to unload the : manure, dropped the tailgate and backed up to the manure pile. I got the handle connected to the Load handler and began : cranking it out the back of the truck. I had made only a few turns and the load had just started moving back when I decided I : was too close to the pile I was dumping on and should move the truck forward. I looked up and released pressure on the : crank handle and it slipped out of my grip. The damn thing was wound up like a spring and I didn't know it. The handle : whipped out of my hands and the crank whacked me in the head just above my right eye making me see stars. I reeled : backwards and said "shit!". I put my hand to my head and it was warm and sticky and then the blood ran into my eye and I : couldn't see. I figured I would probably drop dead if I didn't stop the flow. I found a towel in the front seat of the truck and : folded it and applied direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. After about 5 minutes it stopped and I looked in the : rear view mirrow to see what the damage was. There was a gash about one and a half inches long on my forehead over my : right eye and it looked like it needed a few stitches. I was nowhere near a doctor but always carry a few bandaids in my : wallet for just such emergencies. I had three today. I used them to bridge the gash and pull it together till I could get home, a : 30 minute drive. I never did get my bedding. I got home and washed it with Betadine and put a fresh dressing on my head. I : had some cold beer and now I'm all better except for the hole in my head. : The moral of this story is "If you decide to give someone a load of shit, be ready to get hit up side the head". But seriously : folks, be careful with load handlers, I could just as easily have lost an eye in the wink of an eye. You would think they would : put a ratchet on that thing so you couldn't get hurt like I did. I think I'll sue really really bigtime. Normally, I don't get involved in discussions such as this...strongly held opinions are not likely to be changed by anonymous comments. However, I propose a middle ground: What happened was an unfortunate and painful accident. I wasn't there, and wouldn't presume to render an opinion as to whether it was a case of carelessness on the part of the operator or not. For me, Harry's main point, and a darn good one, is that the product in question would benefit from a modification. I tend to agree with the majority opinion that this country is litigation-happy, to the detriment of all. 'Twere me, I'd write a nice letter to the company, explaining what happened and suggesting that the engineers consider some sort of modification like Harry mentioned. The idea here is to keep it from happening to others. We'd do well to concentrate on making things better, not making lawyers richer.
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