Re: Tractors and tools
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Posted by Jack on August 27, 1998 at 12:11:33:
In Reply to: Tractors and tools posted by Bryan on August 27, 1998 at 09:48:39:
: Is there a guide for or does anyone have any advice on how to price a old tractors and related equipment? What is a fair price and how do you evaluate this machinery? Any direction on this would be appreciated. Bryon: Don't know how much you have been around this equipment but I'll kind of give you an idea on what I do. Different sections of the country as the Northeast U.S. would more than likely be different than the Midwest/Mississippi Valley. Just using this as an example. The reason being that they were easier to get in the Midwest than out east makes more of them around. A little matter of supply and demand. Example: I went to a sale last year and bought an M Farmall for $650. Thats about as cheap as you can find that is running. Not many bidders wanting an M. Took it home and put in a new set of plugs and gave it a paint job with decals. Took it to a machinery consignment 20 miles away and got $1250 for it. Now you have to figure what your labor is worth if anything and the gallon of paint that I bought at Tractor Supply and a little TLC. Main thing is be in the right place at the right and let your imagination and pocket book decide the rest of the story.
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