Re: Proper Horse Power Conversion Calculations
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Posted by John Healey on August 28, 1998 at 03:56:17:
In Reply to: Proper Horse Power Conversion Calculations posted by W.R. Meighen on August 27, 1998 at 20:00:44:
: Is there anyone out there who knows of a simple honest formular for converting metric horse power into US horsepower. I've heard about the "add a few here" ideas, but this is guess work, and I'm hoping there is an honest and simple method for making this conversion. Thank you for your help. There shouldn't be any guess work involved as it is a direct conversion of engineering units. Remember that Horsepower is a measure of the rate at which Work is done, and that Work is done when a Force is moved some Distance against gravity. So, Work=Force x Distance and , Horsepower = (Force x Distance)/ Time In U.S. units, Force is in pounds (lbs.), Distance is in feet ( ft. ) and Time is in hours , minutes , or seconds. One horsepower is equal to 550 ft.-lbs per second written, HP = ( 550 ft-lb )/ sec Simply convert the metric units to feet and pounds and if the unit of tome is in seconds you are done. If the metric HP is in minutes then multiply the numerator by 60. Do you have a metric horsepower value you want to convert ? If so post it with the metric units and I'll show you how to do the conversion. John
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