Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Beware of load handler hazard
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Posted by Brad on August 31, 1998 at 14:47:54:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Beware of load handler hazard posted by Alternative on August 28, 1998 at 16:43:27:
: : : If the manual did not specifically state that releasing the handle could cause it to wip around then the manufacturer is at fault. : : : The only stupid thing that was done here was buying one of these over priced devices to begin with. $90 for a piece of Tyvec, some straps and a steel rod. Worth $25 tops including profit. : : : I use a blue poly tarp doubled over in the bed before loading leaving plenty hanging out the tailgate. When ready to unload I wrap the end of the tarp at the tailgate around a 2x4, c-clamp to the loader bucket and pull everything out. Costs almost nothing, works great. : : Great idea! I will just buy a loader and place it wherever I need to dump a load. Lets see, 5 locations which are seperated by 10+ miles times $3500 per old loader, by spending $17,500 I save $90. Your right I would be stupid to buy a load handler. : Since you are not creative enough to figure it out, here is how you can unload using a tarp without buying 5 loaders. : All you need at each location is a tree, a post, a big rock or another vehicle. Just something that will not move easily. Put the tarp in the pickup with plenty hanging out at the front and a little hanging out at the back. I would suggest a 12x16 tarp folded to 6x16. Load the truck, this may take a while, remember, you do not have a loader. To unload do the following: Place truck where you want the load dumped. Open tailgate if you have one. Attach the back end of the tarp to the rear bumper. I suggest wraping around a 2x4 and c-clamping to the bumper. At the front end of the tarp wrap around another 2x4 and clamp a 2nd 2x4. Tie a rope to each end of the front end 2x4 and pull the tarp back over the top of the load. Tie the rope to the tree, post, rock or vehicle that is located behind your truck. Get in the truck and drive forward, dumping the load with the tarp on top. If you make up the tarp with 2x4's and rope ahead of time and save it, this will be just as fast as the load handeler. Costs almost nothing and you built it. : By the way just how good does a Salad Shooter work? Or did you get a Professional Salad Shooter. Never bought a Salad Shooter or a Load Handler. Now the question is if I want to dump the load in multiple equal piles that means I have to find someplace to tie off in each spot plus trying to judge the amount from the cab would be a bit tricky.
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