Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Beware of load handler hazard
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Posted by Name Ripoff on August 31, 1998 at 19:44:18:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Beware of load handler hazard posted by Brad on August 31, 1998 at 17:01:15:
: : : What other products do you own that you bought after watching infomercials on TV? Do you have a set of Ginzu knives that you use to cut tin cans? How about some of that spray paint for the bald spot on you head, or some of that exersize equipment that makes you loose 30 pounds a week. I bet home shopping channel is on right now. : : : Great idea! I will just buy a loader and place it wherever I need to dump a load. Lets see, 5 locations which are seperated by 10+ miles times $3500 per old loader, by spending $17,500 I save $90. Your right I would be stupid to buy a load handler. : I was initially worried that when I posted my response someone would come back with an intelligent, witty, original response. So far my worry was unfounded. : To put your mind at ease I haven't bought any of the above items including the load handler. Any light loads I have used blue trap and lumber as previously mentioned and I question the ability of the load handler to handle heavy loads. : What prompted me to post in response to Name Ripoff is his implying that anybody buying a load handler is stupid. Describing how he accomplishes unloading was helpful but, I think we can do without the insults The "stupid" remark was directed to Bob, who said, and I quote: "That is the trouble with this country today, Someone always is trying to sue someone else for their own STUPIDITY!!" I stand behind the remark as directed to Bob, sorry to anyone else I may have offended. No one corrected Bob for calling us all stupid. The point I was driving at was that these things are so over priced that the manufactures are making huge profits at the purchacers expense, and it does not bother me one bit if someone sues them for lack of warning and takes away some of those excessive profits. People that over charge for products are no better than the lawyers that profit from the litigation when something goes wrong.
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