Re: massey harris mod 50
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Posted by Tom from Ontario on August 31, 1998 at 20:23:43:
In Reply to: massey harris mod 50 posted by greg on August 31, 1998 at 18:16:41:
: during lifting I have had some problems w/ shaking and slow operation, could I have valve problems or pump problems? also should the lift, stay up or drift down. this tractor is new to me I just bought it 2 weeks ago. so far I like it's power. Greg: First thing check your hydraulic fluid, level and condition. If it's white or even a tan colour, change it quick. That's water contamination and will take out your pump quick. If your fluid is okay, but the hitch drifts down after you have raised it or have a load on it, you probably have a leaky valve. The speed of the drop indicates the size of the leak. If you hear any sort of a noise more than a fairly faint whine while raising the hitch, your pump ain't good. A 50 running at an idle should be able to raise the like of a 6 foot rotary mower or a light 3 furrow plow in about 5 to 8 seconds and HOLD the load without bouncing or any rude noises. Make sure the filter screen is clean. Unfortunately this will involve draining the oil and if you don't have a manual owner's or service manual, do your best to get one as quick as you can. Best of luck. Tom. They are real good handy tractors when they're right.
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