Re: metric horsepower
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Posted by big fred on September 03, 1998 at 08:06:56:
In Reply to: metric horsepower posted by dave on September 03, 1998 at 04:20:30:
: i recently purchased a ford 8n, the man who sold it to me said it was rated for 45hp....after taking the tractor home, i did some checking and found out it is less than 30hp and will not pull the 3 bottom plow i bought. I returned to the guy i purchased the tractor from and confronted him regarding the 45hp claim, he stood by that statement and said "i gave you the metric horsepower"...has anybody ever heard of that? is this overall clad tractor trader some kind of con artist? anyone interested in a 3 bottom plow? (it can't even lift it..much less pull it) My Mark's engineering handbook lists a metric horsepower also, and the conversion is 1 hp = 1.014 metric hp. However, I and most engineers I know use the watt as the standard unit of power in SI (metric). I had never heard of metric horsepower until just a few days ago.
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