JR has it right. Many telemarketers moved offshore when they put the do not call list into play because that law ONLY AFFECTS COMPANIES OPERATING IN THE US. Off shore is outside US jurisdiction.
Another part of the story is that any company that you have done business with that you provided a phone number to the company and it's affiliates are exempt from the do not call list because you provided that phone number. So when you are at a store that asks your phone number at the register either refuse or make a number up!
A caller gets credit for a completed call as long as they have the time to get the sales pitch out regardless if you buy or not. If you hang up they immediately get hooked up to another call. You keep them on the line talking that keeps them from calling another person who may actually buy whatever they are selling. So by talking to them and keeping them on the phone, then refusing to buy anything doesn't hurt the worker but does cost the company money. Most of the workers are there because they need that job. It's the company that's the bad guy here. Most marketing companies pay a good deal better than some place like Wal Mart. So again, I agree with JR, keep em on the line. Make the workers day a little better and cost the company!
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Today's Featured Article - Hydraulic Basics - Part 2 - by Curtis Von Fange. In the last entry to this series we gave a brief overview of hydraulic system theory, its basic components and how it works. Now lets take a look at some general maintenance tips that will keep our system operating to its fullest potential. The two biggest enemies to a hydraulic system are dirt and water. Dirt can score the insides of cylinders, spool valves and pumps. Wate
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