Jocco: several factors at play here--collector value certainly is high on good old axes, but their popularity for restorers and the demand in the camping/hunting/bushcraft/prepping market is also very high. Add in the snob appeal of the high-end ones, and you're seeing the result As is true with most antique markets, most people assume anything old is automatically valuable, at least if they're selling it, so the asking price on even axes beat up past the point of being viable candidates for restoration or use (bearing in mind the vast majority of sellers and most of the buyers have very little idea of how to judge this) are going for silly money. Still, depending on what you're looking for, there are still decent bargains to be had, especially if you have the skill to re-hang and re-sharpen older heads. I've got a small box full of heads I've picked up at garage sales, flea markets, and other places for a buck or two apiece, and have handed out at least that many to friends and relatives as gifts. Here in northern NY, there's still lots of people who use an axe, so the supply is still plentiful, though the prices have also gone up over the last dozen or so years for all the reasons noted above. Depending on what you're looking for, there are still decent axes to be had new for under $100, and a few for under $50, especially smaller ones, but if it's really something you're going to use a lot, spend a bit more--the difference in quality will pay for itself over the long haul, and avoid most of the real low-end stuff--it won't take or hold an edge and just isn't worth the aggravation or potential safety problems.
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Today's Featured Article - Restoring a John Deere 2010 Diesel Tractor - by Jim Nielsen. Following seven years working in California's Silicon Valley, my wife, baby son and I moved back to Australia to retire. We bought a small 'farm' of about 50 acres near Bendigo, in the state of Victoria. I soon found that it would be very useful to have a tractor around the place for things such as grading our long drive and brush-hogging the fields. I was also embarking on planting 1000 eucalyptus trees, and hence I would need a ripper, small disk plow, sprayer etc. to get these things accompli
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