Re: Re: Electronic Ignition Conversion
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Posted by Dennis on September 05, 1998 at 08:25:47:
In Reply to: Re: Electronic Ignition Conversion posted by Eddie Petty on September 04, 1998 at 18:43:43:

I just ordered a kit for my Oliver Super 55 from . He was very helpful to me. I also bought an alternator conversion kit from him to replace the old generator. My primary reason for considering electronic ignition was because I need improved reliablity. My tractor has gotten into a sorry state primarily because if it takes me 30 minutes to start it, I tend to not bother trying. Consequently, it just sits there and rusts. Hopefully, the new kit will change things for the better. : : I've got a MF TO-35 and am considering converting to electronic ignition. I'd like some feedback from those who have done this. Did you get the performance improvement that you expected? Was it worth the $80-90 cost? Any other comments on the matter would be appreciated.
: : Jim, I haven't converted either of my Farmalls yet but I have installed the electronic ignition on both of my vintage MG's. The two most noticeable improvements were the easy of initial startup and increased idle speed due primarily to a hotter and more consistent spark. Additionally, I have noticed an increase in fuel mileage and a tendency to avoid high speed miss due to incomplete coil saturation. Probably the one most unsung benefit is that you can install such a device on a worn out distributor and recover spot-on ignition timing because the electronic pickup is not sensitive to varying gap caused by worn distributor shaft bushings or excessive drive gear thrust. The units that I installed fit completely inside the distributor cap and only the keenest of eye can tell that I've converted to electronics. Hope that this helps with your search. Eddie Petty in Courtland, Virginia.
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