John Deere 430W
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Posted by Fritz on September 06, 1998 at 11:41:59:
What size tires did these tractors come with? Most information I have say 24" wheel, the one I have been looking at has 28" wheels. Have these been added and how would that affect restoration value. Also while on the 430W series, what were optional equipment options if anybody knows. This particular tractor has a power steering emblem on the steering wheel but does not have power steering. Thanks to the fellow that responded on Safemark Tire brands. I contacted the New York State Farm Bureau and they informed me that they had "sold" the franchise to PA Farm Bureau, after contacting them, I found that they are no longer available as a new item. A local tire dealer says that he can match the tread design and size exactly except it will have a different manufacturers name on it which is no big deal. Thanks!!
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