Re: Cutout relay on generator
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Posted by Glenn Simpson on September 07, 1998 at 02:48:01:
In Reply to: Cutout relay on generator posted by Jerry Ruble on September 06, 1998 at 20:50:17:
: I have a WD Allis Chamlers, about a 1950 model and I had the generator rebuilt. The new cutout relay is solid state and the old one was not. I can't get 6 volts from the battery to the field side to make the generator charge. The people that rebuilt the generator told me to jump the relay out to see if it would charge and if it did the relay was bad. It did, and they gave me a new relay and I put it on and still have the same problem. Can anyone tell me what is the matter. I can't get 6 volts across from the battery side of the relay to the field side to energize the generator. It had an old Delco-remy relay on it. Can't find one around here. HELP! Make sure the charge lamp is good, and the correct one. The "Startup Current" comes via this from the battery. I struck this one myself, and was using 24v bulbs instead of 12v. They just didn't provide enough current to get things going. Breast of Duck Glenn
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