Re: shredding leaves and small twigs
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Posted by Paul Fox on September 07, 1998 at 04:35:58:
In Reply to: shredding leaves and small twigs posted by Robert E. Almstrom on September 06, 1998 at 18:30:01:
: I have a Kemp Shredder on the back of my Farmall Super "C" Tractor, with an after market 3 pth. I have a problem in that it takes me forever to shred leaves and small twigs. Also when I use the chipper it to takes a long time to chip brush. Is there something better out there that will do the job quicker and easier? any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Robert, I have a Patu DC40 (4") chipper on my 20 hp John Deere and it eats brush a a good rate for me. I don't know of anything other than maybe a tub grinder (VERY expensive) that will gobble loose twigs and leaves very well. I feed an arm full to my Patu and immediately follow it with a good-sized stick to poke it in with and give it some "roughage" to chew on. Works fairly well, but still slow. If yours is a manual feed, it's critical to keep the knives sharp and have the gap set properly. Wider gap increases the self-feed rate, too wide will overload or stall the tractor, too tight makes slow feeding and more sawdust than chips. Hope this help.
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