Re: Re: Super A or 8N
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Posted by dennis on September 13, 1998 at 11:33:38:
In Reply to: Re: Super A or 8N posted by Chris on September 12, 1998 at 21:50:38:
you'll find the super "A" is a lot manuerivable then the ford, when mowing you dont have to run over everything with all 4 wheels before you cut it, the Super "A" will out-manuver the cub also, (I have both,) plus you don't have to straddle anything when you sit on it, you can look right down on your work, and not worry about swinging a mower around & cutting off trees behind you when you turn. The ford has you beat if you need to use 3-pt though. :: : I currently own a Farmall Cub and am looking for a larger tractor. I like the Farmalls and I'm considering a Super A but don't want to jump to the wrong decision. Basically I would use it for light plowing (gardening not farm) snow removal and mowing. I don't think I would go wrong with either but I thought I'd look for some "bin there done that advise.". What do you guys think??? : Super A all the way.....8Ns are a pain in the a** to work on.Almost all Fords are, come to think of it. I like a TO35 Ferguson better still.
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