( Ken McWilliams) I Shimmed them bearings / Painting Graphics On Old Tractors
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Posted by Tyler on September 22, 1998 at 18:33:11:
I pulled the pan off and plastic gauge all the bearing and mic the journals The 1st and 4th where smaller I used .002 shime material under each bearing and trimed the bearing down with a peice of glass and emery to keep them square. This brought all the bearing to a .002 clearance after regauging. Even increased my oil pressure by three pounds the 18. The knock is gone. PS. Did you letter your backhoe yet? If not use you printer to make a pattern, then take a brad nail and perforate the outline. turn over and lightly sand to open holes. You can put white contact paper on the area you wish to apply the graphics then tape the pattern over it. To transfer the image, place some blue chalk in the center of a 6"x6" cloth and tie into ball. Pounce the pattern and rub. The image can now be cut with a X-acto type knife. Peel and paint, if you are wooried about bleeding under the mask just paint first with base color then with top coat color. Or if your handy with a quill ( lettering brush ) just pounce right to area and skip the mask. Hope this helps. Tyler North East Ohio
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