Re: Re: Re: Disel -vs- gasoline
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Posted by Richard on September 29, 1998 at 06:59:00:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Disel -vs- gasoline posted by Bruce Abbott on September 28, 1998 at 21:21:15:
: If you want to do any serious work spend some extra money get a later model Diesel. : Most Massey Fergusons and John Deere's from 1965 on will do the trick. Beware of some of the lighter weight 'new improved' models. There's no substitute for serious IRON when it comes to working . I appreciate the input. I have just finished building a house in middle of woods. I have probably 100+ more trees to cut down, move & burn or sell. My intent is to use this workbull (which has a dedicated front loader) to help carry the chopped up wood, maybe use it as a mule to help pull some trees down (more specifically help guarantee that the tree doesn't fall in directon of house while being sawed down). I have several piles of earth that need either moved or smoothed out ect.. Anyway, I presume that this isn't going to require a 300 hp bulldozer, however I don't think my brother in laws (13 hp give or take) mitsubishi tractor will do it either. This 202 seems to be a nice size, LARGE (very large) bucket and to me (very uneducated on tractors) it would seem to be a good size. Given clarification as to use, I would appreciate any input as to approprateness of machine that you may care to give. Thanks Richard
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