930 case hydrolic systems
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Posted by Andy on September 29, 1998 at 19:52:06:
930 case with hydrolic problems has given me a new twist. Deciding to do some investigative work on some possible simpler solutions I deduced that the main pressure relief valve may be a likely and easy candidate to check. Well, after decifering criptic repair manuals and feeling very confident that I had indeed found the location of said valve I removed the plug which should have been covering it. But alas, there was nothing but an empty hole where a pilot type valve and housing should reside. How the #$@%$#@%$ can this be? How could it possibly have even operated at all without this vital piece? Does ANYBODY have any experience with the hydrolic valve assembly of a late model 930 case with Draft-O-Matic? Am I insane or stupid for not finding a seemingly simple (according to the manual) mechanism? Is it possible that the system would maintain enough pressure without the valve due to friction of the oil through the valve system to still move a cylinder which did not require much lift pressure? This is going to drive me crazy!!
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