Re: Keep my Ford or get John Deere
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Posted by Tom on October 04, 1998 at 22:29:27:
In Reply to: Keep my Ford or get John Deere posted by Chris Ruggiero on October 04, 1998 at 20:15:22:
Have done my share of garden plowing with a 40 JD pulling a two bottom Dearborn plow. That's right, a JD pulling the plow designed for the little Ford tractors. The 40 always pulled it well and in easy going I sometimes got carried away and sank the plow as deep as it would go. You could see the two plow beams sticking out of the ground and little else of the plows. The tractor would usually go right along as I did some serious plowing and broke up the old plow pan from previous years. Being used to a Ford, I think that you would find the JD to be more nimble with one drawback. The tricycle models tend to be light in the front end. This is not so noticeable with the plow, but with a bush hog and probably with a three point disc [I always used a drawbar hitch disc] the tractor does have a tendency to rear up when the implement is raised. Raise the implement and pop the clutch too quickly and you will find yourself doing a wheelstand. Also, when going uphill you need to keep the implement lowered as much as practical. I have a lot of respect for the 40 JD, but you do have to know it's capabilities and limits. If you do change tractors, do not expect the JD to behave in the same manner as the Ford. Be prepared to relearn how to operate the tractor. Also, with the 40, you will have to slide the right rear wheel in for plowing. If you use it for cultivating, the wheel must be slid back out. This can be a chore. I believe that you would like the 40, but please remember what I have said about the front end being light. Do not expect it to behave in the same manner as the Ford and find yourself pinned under it because it unexpectedly flipped backward.
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