Re: Oliver gasoline engine timing help needed.
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Posted by Paul Stanley on October 09, 1998 at 21:49:29:
In Reply to: Oliver gasoline engine timing help needed. posted by bernie cofu on October 09, 1998 at 08:17:44:
: I have a 1951 Oliver row crop 66. I recently did a minor tune-up (plugs, wires, condensor, points, and cap). The timing seems off now. When I set the timing correctly with a timing light the engine runs rough. If I make small adustments with out using the light (just by listening) it seems to run smoother. Is it acceptable to make minor adjustments in this manner or should I adjust to timing light only? I have seen on this site several guys who have trouble with the tractor running roughly after a tune up, especially when putting on new wires. The problem always seems to be the spark plug wires. Did you replace them with copper core wires or the new carbon wires? Seems it has to be the copper wires to get a proper fire. Someone who has experienced this or is more knowledgeable than me can most likely add to this.
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