Re: price for a stuck Farmall MTA
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Posted by joe on October 11, 1998 at 07:54:35:
In Reply to: price for a stuck Farmall MTA posted by TR on October 11, 1998 at 04:23:56:
: Am looking at two Farmall MTA tractors. I would like to purchase one. This is a father son restoration project so the added value in this is strictly the collector value of the MTA and the father son time. THe two MTA tractors are in pretty fair shape as far as appearance goes but the engines are stuck. they have been kept shedded for a long time. the are indifferent locations in the eastern US. One is a narrow front. the other has a dealer installed wide front option. Here in eastern NC we don't see many of them so I would like to know what a fair price for a stuck MTA would be and any thoughts as to wich one is the better "collector" value. From what I understand it should be the wide front??? : Any suggestions are appreciated. when I do a project like this I always work backwards. What is it worth to me when its done.Say 3000 dollars.what do I have to do.sleve and pistons 500 to 600 dollars bearings 150 gasket set 100.paint and what ever else tires,trans and hyd oil, seat etc.don't firgue on labor. I just did an m and spent 4000 on parts. so try and get i cheap if you don't want the narrow front I may be intrested and we could buy both and get a better deal
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