Re: Ford 8n,9n,2n opinions
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Posted by Richard on October 13, 1998 at 21:45:39:
In Reply to: Ford 8n,9n,2n opinions posted by Bob Brown on October 13, 1998 at 19:58:21:
: I would like a little insight as long as we are talking about Ford tractors. : I know little about tractors, however, I have asked probably a dozen Farmers about 8n's and 2n's. to see if they are good tractors. Almost without exception, I get reactions of laughter. I have been given the iMpression that most professional farmers feel that these tractors were a joke even in there time. I am told that they did not have live pto and needed to be overhauled almost yearly when seriously worked. : I am also told that they were way to light to do any serious field work. Am I asking the wrong people or are these tractors popular for some reasons that have not been brought to my attention? Bob, do these farm thousands of acres? Most small farms do quite well with an 8N. They are great for plowing and mowing, raking hay. No they won't run a baler in my opinion but they will run a sicle mower or bush hog day in and day out with just a little gas and oil. They will drill post holes, dig and scoop dirt and blade a drive way. They are a good machine for the small farm or weekender.
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