Re: What's the difference
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Posted by Dick on October 14, 1998 at 06:07:06:
In Reply to: What's the difference posted by erry Coleman on July 22, 1998 at 08:46:39:
: Can someone tell me the difference between a Ford 601 workmaster and a Ford NAA. I have a manual for a naa but my tractor has a 601 decal on the side of the hood. Then again the serial # begins with 641 as the model. I"m so confused!!!!!!! The NAA or Jubilee was the new design after the N series. New bigger overhead valve engine (called the red tiger), and other refinements. The 600 was an improvement in details, including the hydraulics. Quite reliable. The 601 was the next series and lableled Workmaster, followed by the 2000. All look very similar, nearly identical. The 601 had a red hood. The 2000's were blue. I know the 134 cu inch red tiger engine recieved a higher compression ratio and more hp as it went from 600 to 601. Does someone else know other differences? By the way, don't worry about the 641 thing. That says your tractor is a 601, with a 4 sp transmission, pto, and 3 pt lift. There are other middle number designations for different transmissions, without pto,etc (621, 671, etc.). Yours is the most common and,in my view, the most useful and reliable. FORD NAA 1953-1954, also called the Jubilee 600 1955-1957 601 1958-1961ish (I don't recall the year) 2000 1962-1964ish " There is a newer series 2000 after 1956 which is very different. Square hood. 3-cyl engine. Different series altogether.
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