Re: Allis Chalmers G
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Posted by Woody on October 16, 1998 at 05:19:25:
In Reply to: Allis Chalmers G posted by Charlie on October 15, 1998 at 20:05:54:
: I have a 1948 AC G with a 6 volt system and it isn't very efficient.I know a guy that just puts 12 volt batteries in his 6 volt tractors.I thought that you had to convert 6 to 12 volts by rewiring the electrical system.Would appreciate any information on this. It depends on what you want the electrical system to do. If all you want is electric start (no charging, no lights, gauges, ect...), you can just put the 12 volt battery in with a 'reducer' (buy at any auto/tractor electric shop or store) to the coil/distributer and away you go. I do this on my Farmalls until I get the chance to change from a 6 volt generator to a 12 volt alternator system. You have to maintain the battery charge manually (with a battery charger) but it solves any hard starting problems you may have.
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