Re: Re: Re: VERY RARE John Deere Engine
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Posted by MattT (Ok) on October 20, 1998 at 06:16:53:
In Reply to: Re: Re: VERY RARE John Deere Engine posted by Paul Stanley on October 19, 1998 at 21:46:27:
: : I would love to see a picture of it. What type of serial # does it have?? : : I have a Spoker W power unit with a 6 digit serial #. It turns out that they only produced 37 of them before they stopped production, and then made the 4 digit style. Mine is one of 3 or 4 known to exist. : : I don't have access to a digital camera, but if you do by all means post it!!! If you don't have access to a scanner, most copy shops and computer shops can scan it for you. : Wayne, You don't need a digital camera to post a picture. You do need access to a scanner. You can use any photo, scan it, then post it as a JPEG file.
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